Friday, February 25, 2011

Me Made February – Brooch

Today I tried my very best to look like a modern mum. A mum who works, but is still dedicated to her little one. Who is reliable, who is always there if the little one needs her, but who also trusts that other people can care well for her baby. In short, I tried to look like the mum of every child carers’ dream ;-) Yes, I am on my way to an interview, no not a job interview, but an interview at a child care centre. Although Berlin has many child care options, they are in high demand. And under the age of 3 no child has a guaranteed place in kindergarten. I have heard at some special kindergartens you have to send a CV of your child and both parents are invited to an official interview, if the child has impressed with his or her achievements. Crazy! It is not that bad at my child care centre of choice. Officially it is not an interview, but a conducted tour of the kindergarten, but of course this is also the only chance to make a (good) first impression. Hence my dressing up. Maybe I am exaggerating, but I don't want to be remembered as the crazy mum with the lobster brooch ;-)

Now back to fashion and Me Made February, however:

I wear my favourite (bought) pencil skirt with boring aehm classic black shirt, cardigan and tights. Black boots, a warm grey-and-black coat, a warm grey hat and red leather gloves will be added before leaving the house (it is -6C outside!).

The me made thing of my outfit today is the grey brooch. I made it from a beautiful button form the 40s, which I found at an antique shop in Melbourne.

I love the structure of the yarn. Its subtle shine. The shade of grey. It looks so classy. I wish they had more of these buttons. Wouldn’t a row of these buttons stunning on a dark coat? Well, at least i got one of these treasures and so i can add a touch of class to every (boring) outfit ;-)

Looking forward to your Friday outfits!


Christiane said...

na dann wünsche ich Dir viel Glück heute! Hoffentlich wird es dann auch die Kita Deiner Wahl!
lg, Christiane

Paula said...

Hey, dann hoffe ich, dass es eine Glücksbrosche ist, die du dir da gemacht hast. Das zeug dazu hat sie - sie sieht toll aus... Ich hoffe sie hat auch gewirkt und du hast den Platz bekommen. (Also nicht du sondern dein Kind natürlich).!!

* Ninotschka * said...

Vielen Dank, ihr Lieben! Ich glaube ich habe einen guten Eindruck gemacht. Obwohl der Kita-Leiter keine besonderes Modebewusstsein hatte (sonst haette er nie so einen Pullover getragen ;-)). Jetzt heisst es abwarten bis Mai. Aber ich bon optimistisch!