Monday, March 14, 2011

Yummy Baby Food

Every Monday I will post something related to babies: inspiration, craft projects, baby news, and discoveries I have made in this new and exciting world for me. I hope you come along on that rollercoaster ride with me.
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My little one has started solids a couple of months ago. And while I love and loved baby food in jars for its convenience (especially if the little one doesn’t eat more than a spoon full of food in the beginning), I also cook baby food myself. For me the advantages are

a) that I know exactly what is in the food (organic or not, salt or not, thickeners or not)

b) that I can combine veggies and meats that my little one likes

That doesn’t prevent me from buying baby food in jars, but I like to combine it with the good, home-made stuff. Although I am not back at work, yet, I don’t feel like cooking baby food every day. We are just too busy with playing, cuddling, changing nappies, trips with the pram, meeting other babies and mums,... you get the picture.

Therefore I mostly cook big pots of food and put them in portions into the freezer. That way we have enough home-made food for a week and we can easily choose between different veggies.

So without any further bla - here is the recipe for our favourite veggie-potato-meat mash:

600g potatoes
300g lean beef
1 kg veggies (carrots, pumpkin,...)
150ml water
300ml apple or orange juice
100ml oil

1. cook potatoes in their skin until soft (about 25 minutes), then peel and mash them

2. cut beef and veggies in small cubes, put them in a small pot and add water, bring to the boil and cook for about 15 minutes till soft, take beef and veggies out of the boiling water and puree in portions, add juice to make mixture smoother

3. mix mashed potatoes and pureed veggies, add as much boiling water as you want to get the right consistency

Makes 12 baby food servings plus two servings of mashed potatoes (mixed with apple juice – soooo yummy!).

Recipe inspired by “Kochen für Babies” by Dagmar von Cramm

Bon Appetit!


Vinuma said...

Hallo Ninotschka, finde ich toll, was Du machst!

Ich habe alles Essen für unsere Kinder selbst gekocht. Das bischen Mühe zahlt sich später aus (die Kinder waren nur selten krank, keine Hautprobleme, keine Zahnfüllungen schon im Milchzahnalter..) und beide haben einen guten Geschmack und merken, wenn etwas "künstlich" schmeckt.

Liebe Grüße Manuela

* Ninotschka * said...

Hallo Manuela, das klingt wirklich gut. Ich finde halt, man sollte Kindern auch schon einen guten Geschmack zutrauen und ermoeglichen. Allerdings bin ich nicht 100%ig. Es gibt auch mal das ein oder andere Glaeschen. Genauso wie ich auch ab und zu Fast Food esse. Liebe Gruesse