Saturday, April 30, 2011

Micro Makeover – One more for the balcony

When I started the micro makeover of my balcony I talked about creating a beach balcony, a city beach even). It turned into my little oasis full of summery details, but a beach? Where is the water you might say? Where is the sand?

Well, here it is...

... a mini beach with the finest and whites sand you can think of. And it is so much cheaper than a flight to the Whitsundays ;-) Actually in total it was just EUR 15!

White plastic flowerboxes from Domaene (EUR 1.99 each)
Sand box sand from Bauhaus (EUR 1.80) – guaranteed without cat poo, cigarette butts or cullet
Bicycle expander from kik (4 for EUR 1) – to prevent the boxes from being overturned at once by your little one or a strong wind

Beach mat from kik (EUR 2.99) – to make ‘the beach’ a bit nicer to sit on and to crawl on

Other news from my city beach: the herbs are growing...

... and the courtyard has put on its green dress.

Happy Saturday!


Paula said...

Ich hab ja einiges verpasst - dabei war ich nur fünf Tage weg... Einen tollen Balkon hast du dir da gemacht. Ich finde die Sandidee in Blumentöpfen toll.

* Ninotschka * said...

Herzlich willkommen! Hoffe dein Urlaub am Meer war toll. Ich musste mir in der Zwischenzeit halt Balkonien etwas aufhuebschen ;-)