Monday, May 16, 2011


Chopping grass – that is what I am going to do in the next week. The little one and I are spending a week with my parents in the Bavarian alpine upland. In a tiny village with about 10 houses and 4 farm houses. With lots of cows, horses, chicken and very few people. With a garden full of amazing things for the little one to explore and lots of sunsets to admire for me. With a wonderfully striped canvas chair, where I am intending to spend as much time as possible. With a great barbecue and my dad as the barbecue master.

I am not sure whether I feel like blogging this week and I don’t want to promise anything. Because for me holidays are about deciding what you want or don’t want to do quite spontaneously. No deadlines. No pressure. No projects. No musts.

So, dearest readers I wish you a wonderful week! I hope you can free yourself up from some of your chores as well. See you, when I get back ;-)


Anonymous said...

Das hört sich traumhaft an, ihr inmitten blühender Alpen-Wiesen! Ich wünsche euch eine entspannte, spontane und harmonische Woche und ganz viel Zeit zum Lesen und einem dabei-die-Beine-in-die-Sonne-strecken.
Viele Grüße

* Ninotschka * said...

Vielen Dank, Wiebke! Es ist wunderbar hier. So ganz anders als in meinem geliebten Berlin. So ruhig! So dunkel nachts! Richtige Ferien-Stimmung!